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Dominican Laity

“Veritas” (truth) in mind

Saint Dominic de Guzman founded the ORDER OF PREACHERS in 1216. He himself chose the name as perfectly expressing our purpose: active preaching and explaining the message of Jesus; vigorous seeking and studying the sacred truth; carrying out apostolic work such as ministry to the poor; entering into the relationship of brothers and sisters in our father Dominic; sharing our religious life with one through support, encouragement, studying, praying, and meditating together; defending the faith of the Church; bringing the true life of faith to the world; and bearing the motto “Veritas” (truth) in mind.

Since 1987

St. Dominic associated Catholic lay people with himself in the plan for spreading the Gospel. In 1285, a Rule for these lay associates was first promulgated by the seventh Master General, Munio de Zamora. Lay Dominicans make promises to follow the Rule of the Lay chapters and the Particular Directory in the Province in which they live. In 1987 after 700 years of the first Rule Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, Master of the Order, promulgated the amended Rule of the Dominican Laity, which incorporated the advances of Vatican II.

St. Dominic’s Parish in Benicia, California.

In the Western Dominican Province (Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus), there are more than 20 Chapters of the Dominican Laity most of which are part of parishes – such as our St. Monica Chapter of St. Dominic’s Parish in Benicia, California.

We have been meeting since 2002, growing in numbers by word of mouth, and laying the groundwork for solid lay Dominican life.  Central to our way of life is study, meeting in community, engaging in active apostolates, and participating with friars and religious in daily prayer; the Liturgy of the Hours’ Morning Prayer (Lauds) and Evening Prayer (Vespers), and the Rosary (given to us by Blessed Mary through Saint Dominic).


You are welcome to attend one of our monthly meetings:
2nd Sunday of each month in the Mary Magdalene Room, 10:20 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.  

From the earliest days of the Order, lay men and women have been an intrinsic part of the Dominican family. If you perceive a call from God and the Blessed Mother to the Dominican Laity, come join us.


Contact email: [email protected]