St Dominic Catholic School
In March of 1961, St. Dominic’s Parochial School was opened on the corner of 5th and East J Streets. This school is still in operation today. A committed community of parents, teachers, staff, and church congregation support its development. Together, St. Dominic’s Church and School provide a strong spiritual and academic presence in a growing Benicia.
The mission of St. Dominic School is to provide the highest standards of excellence in academic, spiritual, and moral education where the Catholic faith is celebrated and lived, empowering each student to become an informed, caring, and contributing member of society and a disciple of the Gospel.

St. Dominic School is a community of faith built on the values, beliefs, and traditions of Catholic education. We are a “community where values are communicated through the interpersonal and sincere relationships of its members” who are witness to the Lord by imparting religious truths and values. We strive to create an atmosphere wherein Catholic education’s fourfold purpose of gospel message, community, service, and worship may be nurtured and brought to fruition. Parents are the primary educators of their children’s moral and religious development and are an integral part of the community life at St. Dominic School. Parents and children are expected to participate in the school and encouraged to participate in the parish’s sacramental and social life. As teachers and staff, we acknowledge that we have an obligation to model Christian values in every aspect of our lives. We provide opportunities for students to learn and practice tolerance and respect for others. We direct our efforts to provide them with the proper atmosphere and opportunity to become well-rounded individuals. We endeavor to foster and provide for the growth of the whole person based on Christian values. Each child is valued and respected as a unique individual and member of God’s family. Aware of the diversity of God’s gifts, children are encouraged to develop and enhance their unique talents. We continually strive to strengthen our relationships and interactions with parents and students by fostering a climate of genuine concern, trust, and caring.